We spent the morning dyeing eggs to bring to church for
Pascha (which is this Sunday). The tradition is to dye the eggs red, but there really isn't a good way to get eggs really red without using yucky dyes that come off on your fingers when you handle them. Last year we came across
this natural way to dye the eggs and it's my new favorite. I've been saving onion skins for several months, and we've saved up several dozen of our own eggs just for the occasion.
Here are the eggs before

and the bags of onion skins (yellow ones)

I made the dye first by boiling the skins

Here is the strained dye cooling before I poured it on the eggs

These are the eggs after boiling in the dye

The finished product, I really like the dark reddish brown color.
What a beautiful color. You are very generous to save those delicious eggs and share them with your congregation.
Hi Tony and Keri, just checking in. Looks like your family is well; always good news. Take care and I will see you all soon.
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