Today we went to the county fair and had a (mostly) lovely day. I forgot the camera, so no pictures.
The weather was unseasonably cool, we were wearing sweaters in July!! We saw lots of poultry, including some wyandotte pullets, black and white, similar to ours. We also saw rabbits, sheep, goats, cows, and there was a petting zoo with ducklings and llamas and miniature short, lots and lots of animals.
Pretty much the cutest thing all day was Anna at the petting zoo. She got so caught up in all the oohing and cuddling that she was walking around petting all of the other kids on the head. She got some pretty funny looks.
Ellie stepped in cow poo, and I unknowingly picked her up and carried her around a bit, so we brought home some fertilizer on Ellie's shoes and my pants (and the stroller wheels).
After walking around a lot, eating some junk food, smelling and wallowing in all of the animal glory, and riding a few rides, we drove home with at least two little ones screaming all of the way home because they didn't want to leave.
Can't wait to do it again next year. :)